Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pembroke East Detour, Day 5

This is the story that got me in The Virginian-Pravda, so I'll ride it for what it's worth, CNN-style. Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday for you Protestants) was the fifth day of the detour.

Was the detour reconfigured or not? It depended on which Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) driver you dealt with:

1. Outbound Route 20 at 11:15 A.M. - on our way into Jeanne Street, the driver said he wasn't going out through Pembroke Meadows. Instead he would make a right onto Constitution and head for Virginia Beach Boulevard. (I got off at the Mall and went inside, so I didn't see him leave.)

2. Route 61 at 6:03 P.M. - left through Pembroke Meadows.

3. Outbound Route 20 at 6:15 P.M. - it arrived early and I got a chance to talk to the driver. I told him about the morning bus, but he had heard nothing on it. He left through Pembroke Meadows.

4. Inbound Route 20 at 6:15 P.M. - left going down Constitution.

An even split. Did we have a couple rogue drivers? Did HRT fail to communicate a detour change? I have a trip for Monday morning that will take me through there both ways, so I'll have more to report.

Folks, I knew this was going to be a soap opera....

1 comment:

Michael Ragsdale said...

Just got home about 30 minutes ago and the last 36 from Pembroke took the detour even though Constitution is passable. The driver even remembered to loop back to Constitution & Columbus. I was the only one with a Key C (bike) for the whole trip.