Thursday, October 16, 2008

MPO Transit Plan Opening Public Meeting

Today was the opening public meeting by the MPO in the drafting of a Hampton Roads regional mass transit plan. The 5 P.M. Power Point in Chesapeake was seen by a nearly full room of attendees, with a video hookup to Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) headquarters in Hampton.

As for content, citizens were shown information compiled from an assortment of previous studies, then asked for comment.

The Study's website is at


thesh00ter said...

are they gonna post the presentation on the plan website? i hope they don't just leave it (the website) sitting there to collect dust. i really want them to work together on this one. It seems to be the only way to pull the City of Hampton out from under the bed by their tail (if u know what i mean)

Avenging Archangel said...

There won't be a Plan until February. A couple of the preliminary documents are suppose to be on the website by Monday.

thesh00ter said...

sounds good