Sunday, July 20, 2008

59% Believe In Global Warming

59% of you said global warming is fact. While I'm not sold on it, how else do you explain what's happening in the Arctic?

The new poll: what percentage of the Mayoral vote will John Moss get?


Michael Ragsdale said...

And why does the VBTA expect me to vote for them?

Avenging Archangel said...

Why does the VBTA expect anyone to vote for them?

Unknown said...

Henry, I think your question is giving you blended answers.

It's one thing to believe the climate changes over time. It's another thing to believe that humans cause it to change.

Anonymous said...

Brian, the question did not ask about human cause. That is a separate question. I fail to see how Henry's question led to "blended answers."

Anonymous said...

Henry, your poll on John Moss is flawed and dishonest. You intentionally excluded asking how many of your readers feel he will win the Mayor's seat because your range of percentages were too low.


Anonymous said...

I find it to not be flawed at all since everyone knows the VBTA won't win

Avenging Archangel said...


I've read you on Bearing Drift on the subject. Even if other causes, you can still curb what is controllable.


Nobody outside the VBTA thinks Moss has a prayer. The only question is whether he finishes ahead of Scott Taylor.

Running At-Large in 2004, he only got 30% of the vote. On the Presidential ballot, I'd be shocked if he gets over 20%.

Anonymous said...


You are smarter than the average VBTA-er. Certainly you understand that Moss is at best a 3rd place finisher.

I often wonder, do these guys run just because they can or do they actually think they will win?

Anonymous said...

We shall see. Will has split Meyera's base of donors. Scott is inexperienced to serve as Mayor. John Moss is the best choice on the ballot. Well, for those voters that care about electing a Mayor that will shift the focus on City Council away from more debt and move handouts for developers and onto a focus on reducing spending and lowering taxes.


Anonymous said...

Sessoms couldn't win a race for "dog catcher" in VB let alone Mayor...

Anonymous said...

You guys simply can't do the math. A 4-way race makes Meyera an instant winner, has Will as a $500K spending loser and has Scott and Moss fighting over 3rd place

(I'm hoping for Scott to beat Moss so that he will tire of running and losing and annoying everyone)