Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2008 Avenging Archangel Awards

This Spring I promised annual awards by this blog to be given annually on August 27. The first edition is a short list, but I promised to have some:

Christine Alvarez Award - for uplifting the region's poor: Empower Hampton Roads

The faith-based group has done good work, pushing issues many politicos are afraid to touch but they are needed.

Rosa Parks Award - for striving towards an inclusive Virginia Beach: Georgia Allen

Some have done as much work, but nobody I know of has sacrificed themselves more towards the goal.

Maury Jackson Award - for civic activism in Virginia Beach: Dan Baxter

1st Vice President (and former President) of the CCO, he has Chaired the Clean Community Commission, served on the Blue Ribbon Budget Task Force, and much more. Given that Jackson recruited Baxter to the CCO, fitting that he's the first recipient.

Urho Kekkonen Award - for statesmanship: Delegate Bob Tata

For HB 6028, the bill that got light rail rolling in Virginia Beach.

Richard Maddox Award - for best City Councilman: tie, Bob Dyer and Jim Wood

I was debating this one, and hoped one of them would distinguish himself - or shoot himself in the foot - at this past weekend's City Council Retreat.

Isaak Mikkanen Award - for best developer: The Dragas Companies

With most developers claiming we can't build affordable housing without a Redevelopment Authority, Dragas has done it on their own.

The first annual list is a short one; under comments feel free to suggest any awards for the 2009 edition.

I had 5 negative awards ready to go, but some involve people I'm currently locking horns with. Therefore, I thought it might be perceived as spiteful for me to make them, even though the decisions had long been made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Henry: I like your awards. I really like the "Richard Maddox Award for Best City Council Member" I too feel Maddox was one of the best City Council members this community ever had and that is why the Oceanfront community got rid of him. He was a visionary, willing to discuss any idea and always open to the public and the media which is what helped the oceanfront target him for replacement.

All it all, I think your awards are right on target (with an exception or two). Nice work.