Thursday, August 27, 2009

TPPC August 27, 2009

This morning the Transportation, Parking, and Pedestrian Committee (TPPC) of Virginia Beach's Resort Advisory Commission (RAC) held it's August meeting. It was the shortest in quite awhile, only running about 45 minutes.

The TPPC was shown a PowerPoint Presentation on JT's Grommet Park, and approved the park in concept unanimously. Since the TPPC has jurisdiction over Resort Area parks, final details will need the TPPC's endorsement.

Richard Cere of Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) gave a ridership summary for July. July, 2009 was up about 7% over July, 2008. More comprehensive figures were unavailable due to a software glitch at HRT.

Staff has narrowed the verbiage for new bus lane signs for Atlantic Avenue's dedicated lanes. The signs will read "HRT Buses Only" with a separate VBWave logo sign. Examples should be presented to the TPPC by it's September meeting, maybe earlier via e-mail.

Councilman John Uhrin wanted to "editorialize" on the Laskin Road Gateway project, objecting to The Virginian-Pravda's characterization of it. First, the biggest item in Phase I will be new sewage pipe, with the main beneficiary being the nearby residential neighborhoods. Second, the majority of the cost will be to cover the road punch-through for 32nd Street, which will mainly serve residents trying to skirt heavier Resort Area traffic. He wanted people to push those points at cocktail parties. (I don't do cocktail parties, but I do blog.)

Finally, Mark Schnaufer from the Planning Department gave an update on light rail.

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