Wednesday, March 17, 2010

TRAC March 17, 2010

Hampton Roads Transit's (HRT) Transit Riders Advisory Committee (TRAC) met Wednesday evening at HRT Headquarters in Hampton.

The meeting was dominated by a Presentation on, and discussion of, a potential fare increase for bus service. Neither TRAC members nor visitors objected to an increase. Not only that, but TRAC was aimiable to an even larger increase that what's currently on the table provided that the up and beyond portion of the increase not apply to Seniors and Disabled, plus be dedicated 100% to providing increased bus service. TRAC stopped short of endorsing a specific option, as new options may come out of TDCHR discussions of the issue during the next month.

TRAC was shown Insider Cards from the first batch printed for recruiting new members. Bus riders in the region should be seeing them onboard soon. TRAC Chairman Henry Ryto, who has long worked this issue, was presented a card out of the first batch.

A special meeting of TRAC was called for Wednesday, April 21 at 6 P.M. in Norfolk. At that meeting TRAC will be given a Presentation on shuttle/circulator options for downtown Norfolk once light rail begins service and given a chance to voice their opinion. Also, TRAC may take an official position on a specific fare increase option.


Jay Dover (Resident of Portsmouth) said...

I'd pay $2.00 in exchange for service until 9 pm

and for goodness sakes, PLEASE straighten out the 41 Cradock schedule so that it meets buses at Victory Dump and Downtown Portsmouth

Avenging Archangel said...


The 41 will be straightened out this Summer.

"Victory Dump"? LOL! Then, you probably have to be a HRT rider (like us) to get the joke.

At the September TDCHR meeting, on the agenda was the capital project for a new Victory Crossing TC. As VB alternate Commissioner Mark Schnaufer moved forward to be seated (John Uhrin wasn't there), I told him "If you do any one thing for bus riders today, pass Victory Crossing." I then went on to explain to those around me how "Victory Dump" was the worst transfer center in the system.

Jay Dover said...

Can you tell me what the plans for Victory as well as the 41 are?

I would like to see buses meet up at the new TCC (this might mean the destination signs change?).

And yes I know full well the current transfer area: I live on High St and work at Chesapeake Square and use the 47 to the 44 all the time.

Avenging Archangel said...

The 41 is slated to be moved into the lineups on July 12 (?). (The reply I got from HRT says the 11th, but that would be a Sunday.)

The new TC is suppose to be built on an irregular parcel Portsmouth owns off of McLean near TCC. (Not being from Portsmouth, the crosstreet didn't register on me.)Phase I will be the TC, with passenger amenities and a park-and-ride added later.

Jay Dover said...

The 11th is just fine with me. IF Portsmouth can bow down to the whims of its ID10T sheriff, then we can have buses on Sundays!