Friday, February 6, 2009

Pembroke Area Implementation Plan, Charrette 1, Night Session

On Thursday evening there was the third public input meeting on the Plan, this time at Strayer University's Town Center campus. The session started with a half-hour briefing, then everyone went to presentation stations for individual input. A couple things for the habitual complainers:

1. Last night's comments from the general public largely dovetailed with the Thursday and Friday input. So while a number with vested interests were there for the day meetings, ordinary citizens looking at the same questions were giving the same answers.

Therefore, you can't honestly call it a special interests plan.

2. Where were you last night? About a dozen and a half employees (City and consulting firms) were there to answer questions and take comments, but not that many residents came. No VBTAers that I recognized in any of the three meetings. (However, one man last Friday morning was leveling Messnerist-Greenmunist rhetoric at the mass transit portion.)

Since you didn't bother to show up, you now have no room to complain about the eventual Plan.


thesh00ter said...

speaking of VBTA, last night John Moss was on What Matters. it was odd cuz it was thurs instead of fri. he was on there with Farmer and Frank. Didn't catch all of it but they were discussing transportation of course. So i'm sure ur thinking what i'm thinking, why would they invite Moss. i'm gonna watch the whole thing online so i know everything he said.

Anonymous said...

John was there because I had an unexpected work obligation and had to bow out at the last minute. John was nice enough to fill in for me.

The main theme of the show is focused on the MPO.

Avenging Archangel said...


Take your meds, then try commenting again.

1. Who is "John"? (Obviously not John Moss.)

2. Does "focused on the MPO" mean light rail?

Anonymous said...

Henry, what on earth are4 you babbling about? Your last post made no scence. Have YOU taken YOUR meds before you wrote that?

(1) John is John Moss. To be otherwise would make no sense.

(2) Who said focused on the MPO means Light rail? No one. The reason I commented was to inform the person who was inquiring about the show as to the purpose of show. It was focused upon the MPO and not Light Rail.

Are you okay?

Avenging Archangel said...


Stop commenting on meetings you didn't go to.

Wrong on both counts.