Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Dome Site Wins Big

86% support redevelopment of the Dome site, 8% were opposed, and 4% "Not Now". Michael Jenkins is slated to have his plan for an entertainment facility ready for the City in March.

The new question, "Should Virginia Beach plan for a NBA-capable arena?" One is being talked about within the Pembroke Area Implementation Plan.

For those wondering about me asking two consecutive development questions, at the time I set up the Dome site poll, I was scheduled to go to Richmond on February 2. I thought the trip to the state capital would yield a question. Postponed until next Monday, I now ask a question out of last week's Charrette.


Anonymous said...

Developers win, taxpayers lose. Taxpayers lose the last major parking spaces, and their taxes keep going to special interests.
Speaking of special interests, isn't it odd that two council members are directly associated with TownBank/Decker Realty? With all the problems with Obama's cabinet appointments, it seems that
local council people are immune from special interest or conflicts of interest. Where are the taxpayer groups? And where are the boycotts of these businesses?

thesh00ter said...

"Where are the taxpayer groups? And where are the boycotts of these businesses?"

they're all huddled up around a barrel fire in the backwoods with Hampton City government

Avenging Archangel said...

Anon 1:08,

First of all, parking spaces will be replaced in the development plan by structured parking.

By your logic, we shouldn't construct any buildings, do Transportation projects, water & sewer enhancements, etc. After all, developers benefit - at least indirectly - from any of them.