Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feed City Council

Today's Beacon reports that the Virginia Beach City Council is looking to eliminate the dinners it gets at meetings to save a whopping $4,886 per year. It's suppose to be symbolic in this era of budget cuts.

There's a very practical reason residents should want Council fed. Usually meetings begin around 1-2 P.M., with formal session at 6 P.M. If they haven't had dinner, residents going to address Council that evening are going to be facing a grumpy bunch on the dais. I know I'd be seriously annoyed if 7:30 rolled around and I still hadn't had dinner after a long work day.

Let them have a sub or something. Maybe send out for a bucket of chicken or two. Cut the price, but don't eliminate the meal altogether. Remember that Council formerly had cold sandwiches until then-Councilman Richard Maddox pushed for hot meals.

If Council wants to do something to cut costs where they themselves are concerned, take a pay cut. If you're in public service for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason.


Anonymous said...

I agree and they could bring a bag lunch from home...

After listening to the comments about the successful effort by our city/schools volunteers in saving the city millions, I have to ask "why doesn't council donate their salary to a charity organization and save us $300,000 a year?" They could donate to one of the city charity organizations and then offset the general funds set aside and budgeted to fund that orgaization and actually save the taxpayers a lot of money. If we can all successfully volunteer to help, why shouldn't the council join in and volunteer their time?

Think about what the city could do wth an extra $300,000.

It isn't going to happen but it sure make me wonder why more of them do not donate their salary to help set the example in these hard times.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bruce could donate food from Mahi Mah's.... he buys the Council everything else for their vote....LOL

Anonymous said...

You cut their pay, then you will only get the very wealthy.

Imagine a council made up of only Maddoxes and DeStephs!

Anonymous said...

Have you looked at the wealth on council? Dude you already have the wealthy...

William Bailey said...

They have something in their belly if they are going to sit through the long meetings listening to the public and the issues. It is a very long day sometimes...

I say, let them eat.