Wednesday, July 6, 2011

McLean Case Continued?

I was just on the phone with the District Court Clerk's office criminal desk. "It appears" that Michael McLean's first court appearance has been continued until August 12.

It was originally scheduled for tomorrow (July 7).


shanniebaby said...

That's really awful ...I don't believe this!!!

Anonymous said...

Better late than Never. That said, justice will w/o a doubt be served, to all involved parties, albeit now or later. Have faith in our judicial system.

Anonymous said...

They say a heap see, but few know. In this instance a heap see and a heap know. So as the background details to this story unfold, it will be interesting to see who has the courage and moral strength to do what is RIGHT.

Anonymous said...

How do we change the mindset of a certain segment of our community, those that are inflicted with an abundance of so much self-hatred that they seek to annihilate, their brethren,eat our young, destroying community?

It so "takes a villiage" and we must do better!

pcs said...

a mother's love is unconditional and no one is beyond redemption, still i can not grasp how one can stand beside, stand behind and show up for someone or something so terribly wrong.