Sunday, January 11, 2009

77% Think This Council Will Be Better

Over three-quarters of you expect the new Virginia Beach City Council that took office last week to be better. 19% thought it would be worse, while 2% expect the same.

While I was one of the 77%, I was surprised by the margin of victory. For all the bad things you could say about the Will and Bill Era on Council, at least they weren't afraid to pull the trigger. The previous two Councils were struck with political paralysis, and little meaningful got done. With a backlog of issues that need to be tackled, there finally seems to be a sense of urgency to act.

The new question is how good are Virginia Beach's Budget priorities? In two separate meetings last week (I blogged on neither), two divergent groups raised concerns on where the City of Virginia Beach places it's Budget priorities. While I was the only attendee common to both, I neither raised the subject nor got it rolling in either meeting.


Anonymous said...

Kinda hard to vote on this poll without a list of priorities.

Avenging Archangel said...

Take what you think the City should be doing, and efectively grade them out on how well they're doing.

Anonymous said...

How soon will Beach buses start running at night/Sunday?

Avenging Archangel said...


The buses are a FTA prerequsite for Federal light rail funds, so I expect them soon.

In addition, Will Sessoms promised them during his Mayoral campaign.

Avenging Archangel said...

When I left for work this morning, there were 0 Poor votes. When I came home, 9. Someone is trying to flood.

Someone want to counterflood?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Wouldn't counterflooding an irrelevant poll be irrelevant by definition?

Besides running buses at night, they would need to run at a more frequent schedule, but this will be more expensive. The city is already way over budget. Is Sessoms going to put the city into debt to push is trolly?

Avenging Archangel said...

If the poll is so irrelevant, why are you commenting on it?

Buses at night and Sundays first, then we can come back and look at frequncies.

LRT would mean a maximum $80 million debt, less if we can draw Federal stimulus money.