Wednesday, December 19, 2007

V-P On Burton Station

The Virginian-Pravda Editorial Board chimed in on Burton Station today, and it's one of those rare times I agree with them.
Burton Station is a political quagmire waiting to happen for the Virginia Beach City Council, one they shouldn't want to enter with our first-ever November Council election less than a year away.

If the Editorial Board wanted to really do us a service, they would ask a simple question "How can Norfolk redevelop Broad Creek without it being a political lightning rod, but Virginia Beach can't touch Burton Station?" The answer, of course, is that Norfolk's ward system has led to the African-American community being seated at the table. In Virginia Beach, the African-American community is often left begging for crumbs from the table given the evil at-large voting system. Were they at the table, a rational plan could be negotiated. I myself have argued that the African-American community's leadership should bargain Burton Station away in exchange for legally protected status for Seatack. Seatack has greater historical significance, a larger population, and is threatened by Resort Area redevelopment.

Now let's see if the Editorial Board can do a follow-up calling for political reform in Virginia Beach that would seat the African-American community at the table, through either a ward system or cumulative voting.

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