Thursday, December 6, 2007

How Disingenous Of Bob O'Connor

Bob O'Connor was at it again on Thursday. As usual, he attended the Resort Advisory Commission (RAC) meeting. The RAC was given a Briefing on a proposal for a convention center headquarters hotel.

There's no formal citizen comment session at RAC meetings, but the Chair will normally allow anyone to speak who wishes. As soon as the Briefing was complete, Bob raised his hand. Wouldn't the hotel be in an AICUZ zone and thus draw fire from the Navy? City Council Liason John Uhrin pointed out the land is zoned RT-3, allowing by right development of a such a hotel up to 200 feet in height.

What's so wrong with O'Connor's argument? Okay, he knee-jerkingly opposes any Resort spending. However, here is something disingenous: his use of the AICUZ argument. The 2005 R&HA Initiative by the Deaniacs (which O'Connor signed the petition for) sought to undermine any use of eminent domain to save Oceana under the BRAC order. In short, the Deaniacs wanted Oceana closed.

Now in 2007 they want to pose as champions of Oceana to push their "Demonize the Resort Area!" agenda. They hope people have some very short memories.

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