Tuesday, December 4, 2007

African-Americans Push Politically In Virginia Beach

The New Journal and Guide ran a story on the African-American Political Action Committee, a Virginia Beach PAC championing the African-American community politically. http://www.njournalg.com/BeachGroup.htm

Having had a crucial role in getting Bob Dyer the AAPAC endorsement for City Council in 2004, I can testify how the group is non-partisan. (They also endorsed Glen Davis in 2006.) Given the huge hurdles the evil at-large voting system presents, it will be interesting to see exactly what the AAPAC does to promote African-American City Council candidates in 2008. However, with the elections now in November, minority voters will make up a larger share of the electorate than in May. Does that translate into wins?

Well, I've been joking that every political junkee wants to see November, 2008 come along just to see how it changes the campaign model. However, too much shouldn't been read into the results, as November, 2010 will be quite different again. In 2010 there will be neither a Presidential nor Senatorial race on the ballot, changing the dynamics from 2008.

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